Health and Safety

Will Anyone Break Our Over-Mighty Unions?

Will Anyone Break Our Over-Mighty Unions?

Who will play Margaret Thatcher to Irvin Jim’s Arthur Scargill? A trade union is a fine thing. It enables working…

What You Eat Affects Your Productivity

What You Eat Affects Your Productivity

Think back to your most productive workday in the past week. Now ask yourself: On that afternoon, what did you…

Regular Exercise Is Part Of Your Job

Regular Exercise Is Part Of Your Job

When we think about the value of exercise, we tend to focus on the physical benefits. Lower blood pressure, a…

5 Morning Rituals to Keep You Productive All Day Long

5 Morning Rituals to Keep You Productive All Day Long

Most of us work long hours: 40, 50 or even 60 hours each week. But chances are, given distractions like…

The Future Doctor – A Teacher And A Coach

The Future Doctor – A Teacher And A Coach

Medicine in future will need to move away from the narrowly Newtonian emphasis on disease towards a more inclusive approach…

Take A Walk, Sure, But Don’t Call It A Break

Take A Walk, Sure, But Don’t Call It A Break

Every weekday morning, I take a three-and-a-half mile walk around my neighborhood, in pretty much whatever weather my New England…

Why Can’t We Stop Working?

Why Can’t We Stop Working?

I hadn’t seen Jim in two years. When we reconnected recently, I was shocked. The handsome, dapper professional I knew…

Wake-up Call Ignored As Culture Of Overwork Takes Its Toll

Wake-up Call Ignored As Culture Of Overwork Takes Its Toll

My drinking days are long gone, which is probably why I’ve never really gotten into Red Bull. Although judging from…

Burnout Is Best Stopped Before It Starts, Research Shows

Burnout Is Best Stopped Before It Starts, Research Shows

As the end of the year approaches, companies are feeling the pinch as many employees struggle with burn out. The…

Department of Labour urges employers to comply with Health and Safety Law

Department of Labour urges employers to comply with Health and Safety Law

Department of Labour has threatened to come down hard on employers failing to comply Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) laws,…

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